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CECEP Lattice Technology: "Dual Carbon" Goals, Moving Towards the "New"

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To further promote high-quality development of the enterprise, CECEP Lattice Technology Co., Ltd. has scientifically planned, focused on its own intrinsic requirements and key points of effort, and accelerated the formation of new quality production forces in practice. Over the past 15 years, with more than 50 contract energy management projects and 650,000 lights, the full operation period can achieve a power saving of more than 2.1 billion kilowatt-hours, equivalent to saving more than 840,000 tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 2.1 million tons, contributing to the country's "Dual Carbon" goals.


Lattice Technology is not a simple light product company, but a company that provides a full value chain of products and services, including hardware and software products, integrated solutions, project delivery, and operation and maintenance. Speaking of the transformation process of Lattice Technology, General Manager Chen Xin mentioned, "At the beginning of Lattice Technology's establishment, the main focus was on product research and development, production, and sales. After several years of development, influenced by rising costs and market competition, the company faced significant pressure in its development. In 2015, the company transformed into a project operation enterprise, providing customers and owners with comprehensive energy-saving and intelligent lighting solutions and integrated operation services through EMC and other models."

Next, Lattice Technology will continue to adhere to the "three highs" on the product side, that is, higher light efficiency, higher quality, and higher intelligence; on the service side, it will continue to optimize and provide a full range of solutions for the entire cycle, as well as the system's full chain service capabilities from product technology to solutions to delivery to maintenance, to achieve faster and higher quality development of the enterprise.


CECEP Latticelighting is a high-tech company focused on LED energy saving lighting application and offering smart lighting solution. CECEP Group is our biggest shareholder which owned by Central Government of China.



Tel: +86-791-88155868
Fax: +86-791-88152890
Address:No.689 North Aixihu Road, Hi-tech District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China


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